Exhale and Regroup Before 2019

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I would like to give you an early Christmas gift. We are in the final days of the fourth quarter and the end of 2018. Christmas is right around the corner and today is the first day of winter. Some people maybe full of joy. Some people maybe feeling overwhelmed and weary. Some people maybe hopeless. Some people maybe heartbroken or grief stricken. I want to encourage you that no matter what that you can try your best to move toward 2019.

Sometimes the best thing we can do is take a break. We may need to just take a seat and exhale. I know my dream would be to go on a cruise for three to seven days. That would be a dream come true. What about you? How are you feeling? Let us explore some ways we can realistically take a break  before the start of 2019. It is okay to exhale and regroup before we open the chapter known as 2018. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  1. Relax: I know this easier said than done. You may need to need disconnect from your phone and all electronic devices for an hour or more just reset yourself. It is okay to take out time for yourself.
  2. Rest: You can take a nap. It does not have to be for hours. It can be laying down without the interruption of anyone or anything. Going to bed on time works wonders also.
  3. Workout: You can do whatever makes you feel energized. You can walk, run, lift weights, dance and so much more. Whatever you do, make sure you focus on the task at hand. You can also workout for as little as 15 or 20 minutes.
  4. Dream: It is okay to take a moment to decide that you want more. This is a great time to ask yourself what you are working toward? Maybe you have been so busy, you never asked yourself what do you really want out of life? What are you tired of doing over and over again? A vision board will work wonders.
  5. Create a plan: Now you can start to think of some things that you want to do to get closer to you dream. I would recommend you put these dreams and your plan in writing. Also, have someone who can hold you accountable in love.
  6. Celebrate: Think of some of the people, places and things you endured this year? It is okay for you to celebrate your victories. Celebrating the journey is necessary.
  7. Pruning: In order for something to grow, pruning is needed. Take some time to think about some people, places and things that need to be pruned before 2019. I can tell you from experience, it will make room for upgraded living.

Published by Ada Orie

I am a Nigerian-American Christian woman based in Baltimore who writes about Christianity, dating, food, friendships and more. My goal is to provide a free and safe place where people can express themselves while learning from one another. Thank you for checking out my blog. I look forward to learning from you.

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